Admission Requirements
To be admitted into the program at the Bonnyville Indian-Metis Rehabilitation Centre, you must:
- Obtain a Referral from and Addictions Counsellor prior to submitting an application – Find a counsellor here
- It is our policy that any person being admitted for treatment pass a drug test and be free of Alcohol and Drugs upon Admission. Drug testing will be done at the Centre prior to admission.
- Have a sincere desire to stop using alcohol or drugs.
- Submit a completed medical report.
- All Medical/Dental appointments must be completed prior to admission.
- All court dates must be completed prior to admission.
- Must be 18 years of age or over; no couples.
- Applications are available through a certified addictions counsellor, for a list of current addictions counsellors click here.
Please Read Through our Medical Policy
This medical assessment is required as part of the application and must be completed in full by a medical provider.
Please Read Through our Client Rules and FAQ’s
Please Read Through our COVID-19 Information
Take the First Step to Recovery
Upon Acceptance:
Please Bring the Following with you to the Centre:
- Shampoo & Conditioner
- Deodorant Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- Hand and Body Soap, Shaving materials (shaving cream and razor)
- Combs, brushes etc.
- Towels, Ladies hygiene products.
- Tobacco – enough for 42 days (if you smoke).
- Change or phone card for pay phone.
- We have a big gym so bring shoes that don’t leave marks on the floor.
- Clothes for sweat lodge ( sweats are every week if you choose to participate).
Contact us and we will be able to answer any of your questions you may have.
Please Note:
All prescription or non-prescription drugs or anything containing alcohol (eg: hair spray, mouthwash, cologne or perfume etc. has to be turned in at front desk, so do not bring these items as you will not be able to keep them with you.
Make sure your prescriptions have been filled and that there is enough for 42 days.
Suboxone – For those that have been prescribed Suboxone please confirm you have been on it for at least 3 months prior to entering the program. This will ensure you’re stabilized on it so you can get the most out of your time here.
We have a washer and dryer at the centre for clients use, so please do not bring a lot of clothing as you are limited to only one dresser and small closet space.
Visitors are not permitted while in treatment
Get in Touch
Bonnyville Indian-Metis Rehabilitation Centre
60424 Range Road 464A, South of Bonnyville Beach
Phone: 780-826-3328
Fax: 780-826-4166